Thursday, March 12, 2009

Pre-Order Starts!

Now I'm very pleased to announce that we have just started the pre-order of Temomi-cha & Shincha. Since I blogged about Temomi cha last year, I have received many inquiries and purchase requests from my customers, but I couldn't supply the tea for them.
I have discussed with my family (our tea producer) how we can provide the Temomi cha to customers in the U.S. and finally found enough collaborators to produce Temomi cha with us.
Because the production volume of Temomi cha is very low, pre-order is requested for the purchase, but I believe it's worth trying our Temomi cha if you are tea enthusiast.

Also,we will introduce our Shincha to the U.S. customers for the first time. Shincha, "new tea" in Japanese, is the first-harvested tea in spring and the most sought-after green tea. During the wintertime, tea plants absorb and stock nutrients from soil. When the spring arrives, tea plants, full of energy and nutrients, begin to sprout andshow the amazing color of vibrant green.
Shincha is technically equal to Sen cha, which is made of only young tea leaves. But only the ta harvested in early spring is called "Shincha."

Here is our 3 kinds of seasonal offers!
Ingredient: Young Tea Leaves
Net Weight: 10g (0.35oz.)
Price: $15.00
Order Deadline: April 15, 2009

Ingredient: Young Tea Leaves
Net Weight: 50g (1.76oz.)
Price: $20.00
Order Deadline: April 20, 2009

Ingredient: Young Tea Leaves
Net Weight: 100g (3.53oz.)
Price: $20.00
Order Dadline: April 30, 2009

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