Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tea of the Month: Sen Cha Tea-Pac

Tea of the month of November is Sen Cha.
Sen Cha is made of young tea leafs only. This is the most common green tea in Japan.
Sen Cha has been Japan's favorite green tea. You can enjoy the balance of sweetness and bitterness.
All the selections are tea bag.
What is the beneficial of tea bag?
Green tea is not fermented resulting in quick oxidation when exposed to Air, Light, Humidity or Heat.Oxidation causes the loss of flavor and many of the natural health benefits green tea. In order to prevent odor transfer, our tea bag is used polyester mesh tea bags unlike paper or nylon tea bags.Each package is filled and sealed with Nitrogen to remove oxygen that cause oxidation. Therefore, each time you open one of our Tea-Pac package, you are getting the world's best green tea as a fresh!!

All of selections are available on our website.
It is time to try Sen Cha and purchase online.

Item Code
Sen Cha Tea-pac(18 count): S 18TP
Sen Cha pyramid Teabag(20 Teabags): 2-S20TB
Sen Cha Tea-Pac(100 count): S100TP

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